Year 3/4 Class Page

“You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” — Dr. Seuss

Key information:

  • P.E is on Wednesdays. Please have the appropriate clothing including school P.E kit and trainers. 
  • Forest School is on Tuesdays. Please have spare clothes, spare socks, waterproofs and appropriate footwear. School can provide these if necessary. 
  • Reading please read at least 3x a week.
  • Homework is handed out every Friday. Please return homework on Thursdays.
  • Spellings are handed out every Friday. Spelling tests happen every Friday

Curriculum Overview

Learning in the Autumn term:

Reading – In Year 3 reading we will be exploring Greta and the Giants by Zoe Tucker. This story is based on climate activist Greta Thunberg. We will also read The Pebble in my Pocket by Meredith Hooper. This book tells the story of rock formation. We will read Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister. This story follows Leon who is transported to a mysterious world. and T’was the Night before Christmas by Clement C. Moore
In Year 4 reading, we will be exploring The Queens Nose by Dick King-Smith. This is the exciting tale of Harmony Parker and her magic 50-pence piece! We will also read The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf. This story follows a young refugee, Ahmet, who meets some new friends and embarks on an adventure. Finally, we will read The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, which depicts a raven's mysterious visit to a mourning narrator, 

Writing – In Year 3 writing we will be create our own poem on emotions, a first-person narrative, a non-chronological report, formal letters to complain, dialogue through narrative and performance poetry.
In Year 4 writing, we will create our own haiku and cinquain poems, a persuasive advert to warn of the dangers of the internet, a first-person diary entry, critical analysis of a narrative poem, third person adventure stories and news reports,

Maths – In maths, we will cover place value within 1,000, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will encounter a range of arithmetic and reasoning questions.

Science – In science, we will look at Living things and their habitats. We will learn how to classify living things using classification keys and consider what happens in the environment when a habitat changes. We will also learn about states of matter and conduct some exciting experiments! 
Foundation subjects – In Geography, we will explore the features of a river and latitude and longitude. In History, we will learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Scots, including the invasions, religion and kingdoms. In Art, we will create our own still-life drawings. We will also research the artist Georgia O’Keeffe and create our own paintings based on her style, In D.T we will be learning about food and nutrition, including cooking our own pizza! We will learn about mechanisms in D.T and make our own doors with working hinges. In R.E, we will learn about Christian values, including love and friendship, we will explore the theme of hope and bravery during the story of David and Goliath. In P.E. we will learn various skills during our multi-skills sessions. We will also learn some amazing gymnastics skills. In Music, we will learn how to sing Mamm

Updated: 09/05/2024 96 KB